
Ndume 7s 2024

Ndume 2024 is happening on the 15th June

The eagerly anticipated annual Ndume Sevens rugby tournament, hosted at Pembroke, is on the horizon and we can’t wait!

It is the largest Prep School rugby tournament in Sub-Saharan Africa and coincides with our Next Schools fair; all in all it is a wonderful, sociable weekend.

We are halfway through the Trinity term and have raced through a busy fixture list with rugby matches hosted both home and away. Our 1st XIII have just had a weekend of exciting rugby in Nairobi with matches at Banda and Hillcrest. We’ve had plenty of rain, our pitches are emerald green and are looking fantastic. We are feeling as prepared as we can and are very much looking forward to a weekend of competition, fun and friends in the middle of June.


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