
Calendar Highlights

Standout Pembroke Occasions

The Pembroke calendar is filled with diverse events throughout the school year, from sporting to cultural, musical and to the downright bonkers!

Pembroke excels at injecting interest and excitement into the school year; the seemingly never ending tournaments, school trips, sports tours, theatrical productions, celebratory suppers and music recitals ensure there is always something for every child to look forward to.

School trips include visits to Browns Farm to see cheese production, flower farms to study horticulture, boat rides and fishing on Lake Naivasha, and further afield, residential safaris to the Mara and camel trekking in Laikipia.

Back on home turf Pembroke hosts a number of sporting events from swimming galas to team fixtures, as well as more off the wall occasions such as the Colour Run and Dinky Safari Rally. There are also fireworks, visiting speakers and a magical Christmas Christingle service. The common thread across all of these events is meticulous planning and a tremendous sense of occasion, reflecting the pride our children, families and staff take in our school and the warm hospitality offered to our friends and the wider community.

A good match tea, bunting and flowers, enthusiasm and pride are just some of the ingredients that elevate these special Pembroke events into the memories of our children; in short these are the magical days that shape a childhood.

Calendar Highlights

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