Post-Pandemic Pembroke

‘Our core values include courage, a spirit of adventure, compassion and integrity.’


Now that the masks are off and long discarded, restrictions are fully lifted and our memories have faded from when the world was midst Pandemic, it’s important to reflect on the lessons learnt during this time of instability and how they will continue to positively influence and guide our future at Pembroke House.

The ingredients of the ‘Pembroke Spirit’ underpin our vision and in hindsight, the Pandemic allowed us to really demonstrate these core values which include courage, a spirit of adventure, compassion and integrity.

Responding to and embracing change – overnight, the parameters by which a school is typically run and governed had to change.  This required quick and clever thinking, embracing new technologies, revised ways of running lessons and keeping our children safe. Teachers used creativity to continue delivering inspired learning; the children had to develop a new mind set to the way in which they learnt away from the classroom using independent intellectual discovery.

Developing resilience – with significant amounts of uncertainty and a timeline that was simply not known, our staff and children were forced to be develop a resilience that was previously unimaginable.  Plans changed at a moment’s notice; then changed again. Everyone displayed acceptance and most importantly determination to find solutions to overcome the multiple challenges they suddenly faced.

Exploring our own country – when borders closed and flights were stopped, travel had to be reimagined. It allowed us the time and space to adventure within Kenya and the chance to really appreciate the remarkable landscape on our own doorsteps.

The importance of community – whilst apart geographically, the children learnt to endure friendships and connect with family in a different way.  We all looked out for our neighbours, empathised, offered help where we could and realised just how important being part of a community really is. The school community at Pembroke House thrived during the depths of the pandemic and showed that care for others was and continues to be, at the very heart of our school.